Extend Your Email’s Reach With Social Media

Date posted: Tue, Jun 30, 2015 | Author: Robert Hicks | Categories: Admail Services, Best Practices, Email Marketing, Tips

Since their inception, the Internet and email have revolutionized how consumers and businesses interact. With social media continuing to gain popularity with consumers of all ages, most email service providers social interactions such as likes, comments, shares and retweets. For companies whose bread and butter is email marketing initiatives, it behooves them to track their campaigns through social monitoring. Thankfully, tracking how many readers share your emails on social media is easier than ever. But first you must encourage your readers to share your email. How is this done? Below, we have identified four easy-to-follow tips to encourage readers to share your content, thus maximizing your email reach.

1. Make sharing easy by including social share buttons.

Every good email campaign will include a call-to-action (CTA), making it clear what the next step is for the reader. But when you add social buttons to the email header, you are creating a secondary CTA. This secondary CTA is an easy, non-distracting way to encourage the reader to share without detracting from the primary CTA.

2. Consider making connecting to your social pages your primary CTA

Sometimes, it might make sense for you to make your primary CTA an encouragement for your email readers to connect with you on social media. This is an alternative approach that is quickly gaining steam, as staying active on social media has its perks. For example, social media can serve as a sort of de facto customer support tool as it encourages customer engagement.

3. Provide customers with an incentive to follow you online

It is important to note that some customers may be hesitant to follow you on social media since you already have the ability to reach them via email. Encouraging your customers to follow you by offering up incentives, like a coupon or discount, is a great way to get them to connect with you on social media. Utilizing social media exclusive offers and content will make your customers feel like they are getting special treatment. Don’t be afraid to let them know what they are missing!

4. Make the most of social media tools.

From Facebook to Twitter, there are many social media channels to promote and share your content. With so many options and platforms it can be overwhelming and difficult to integrate social media in your email marketing campaign. Thankfully, there are tools, available that make it easy to seamlessly integrate social media efforts with your emails. By utilizing a tool like [AdSocial] (https://admail.net/adsocial/), experts can increase the success of their email marketing and social media efforts at once.