Improve Email Marketing With Video

Date posted: Thu, Sep 26, 2019 | Author: JoAnna Brown | Categories: Admail Services, Email Marketing, Sending Email

It’s no secret that video is one of the most effective marketing tools available today. With one-third of all online activity spent watching videos, it’s easy to see why incorporating video in your marketing emails can be an effective tool in increasing your conversion rate. More than 76 percent of small to medium size business owners who have used video marketing say it has had a direct impact on their business. But, as with all marketing methods, using video within marketing emails must be done strategically. is sharing some of the top ways to use video in your marketing emails to see more website traffic, revenue growth, and a higher conversion rate.

Develop A Video Marketing Goal

When you partner with a top rated email marketing platform like, you’ll have a menu of option for how your video can be displayed within the email. Before you design the message and share with your contact list, consider your conversion goal.

  • Do you want your audience to visit a specific page on your website?
  • Do you want your audience to call to schedule a free product demo?
  • Do you want your audience to sign-up for a paid subscription or service?

Knowing the marketing goal will help you develop the design for the video marketing email. For example, if your goal is to gain attention for an upcoming product launch, perhaps you would design a responsive HTML email with an image of a video that links to a specific page on your website. While the image appears to be a clickable video that would play within the email, recipients would be connected to your website upon clicking the “play” button in the middle of the image. When you want people to sign up for a product demo, connect the video to a landing page with a specific Call To Action (CTA). Choose how you’ll measure success of the video marketing email before the design process.

Limit The Text

Make the video the focus of the email. The ideal length for a marketing email is between 50 and 125 words, so use them carefully. The video should stand out, with verbiage before and after supporting the message of the video content. Whether you use an image of a video as a click thru to your site or you embed a video to play upon email open, craft a personalized message that pushed your reader’s attention to the video. Attempting to introduce multiple products or creating a lengthy read will only get your marketing email forwarded to the dreaded spam folder.

Use A Creative CTA

You want to engage your audience and create a convincing CTA to turn a prospect into a customer. Your CTA is a button or hyperlink that connects your audience to a specific page on your website or social media channel, depending on your conversion goal. Avoid tired language like “Click Here,” and use one of our creative CTAs for video in your next email.

  • Hear our CEO’s message
  • Watch now
  • Go behind the scenes
  • Show me a demo
  • Hear her story

When you use intriguing language to increase interest in your video, you’ll have a better chance at reaching your audience. offers the best video marketing email platform to engage your audience and drive a higher conversion rate. Create content that can be displayed on any screen with our responsive HTML email design and harness the power of marketing video with’s effective partnership with Viewed. Create great content, get options with email marketing video display and track the effectiveness of your campaign with Launch your free trial today and improve your email marketing with video.