5 Tips to Overcome the Biggest Hurdles in Email Marketing

Date posted: Mon, Nov 30, 2020 | Author: JoAnna Brown | Categories: Best Practices, Design, Email Marketing, HTML, Sending Email

Email marketing delivers one of the highest ROIs in the marketing industry, bringing in an estimated $44 for every $1 spent. Although a recent poll shows 76 percent of consumers make a purchase after receiving a marketing email, the method isn’t without its downfalls. Understanding the messages that resonate best with your audience and how to finalize the conversion are objectives that take time and research. As you build your email marketing strategy, keep these marketing challenges and solutions in mind.

What are the biggest challenges of email marketing campaigns?

When you understand the most common challenges of email marketing, you’re better equipped to avoid those issues. While some challenges are industry-specific, the most pressing challenges are typically related to content or understanding your target audience. Let’s walk through some of the digital marketing challenges you want to avoid.

Reader engagement

By building customer personas, you’re able to better understand your ideal consumer. Designing relatable content is much easier when you know to whom you’re writing. Your goal, however, must go beyond a high click-through rate. You want your reader to engage with the content. Whether that’s clicking through to your website, offering contact information on a landing page, or filling out a customer survey, improving your reader engagement can prove difficult without a content strategy.

Customer acquisition

Did you know it costs 5x more to acquire a new customer compared to keeping a current one? An estimated 52% of business owners said gaining new customers was their primary goal. Luring new customers through email marketing is no easy feat.


Addressing one of the most prominent email marketing challenges requires time and the right email template platform. Consider this, 91% of consumers say they are more likely to shop with brands that provide offers and recommendations that are relevant to them. Personalize your emails with a name, recommendations for specific products based on purchase history, or by offering content that’s specific to the recipients’ personal information.

Gaining customer data

Consumers are becoming more savvy. Most are hesitant to simply offer up their personal information without first trusting your brand and secondly, believing they will receive something of value in return. It’s crucial to find creative ways to gather consumer data to shape your marketing messages.

5 Ways to overcome these challenges

Creating the most effective methods for email marketing takes an understanding of what your consumers expect. Not only do they desire a personalized experience, but they also want you to recommend products.

  1. Partner with a trusted email platform. Before you send another email, ensure your platform is as robust as your needs. Admail offers HTML responsive emails, plain text emails, and tools that allow you to incorporate video into your email marketing.

  2. Make the subject line pop. If you’re struggling with email open rates, take a look at your subject lines. Research shows consumers are most interested in personalized, short subject lines that immediately grab their interest. Emails with personalized subject lines are 26% more likely to be opened.

  3. Ask your customers about their lives. Need more information to support your email marketing? Just ask. When you pair your question or survey with a discount code, you’re likely to dramatically increase your data. Over half of consumers are willing to share information on products they like in order to get personalized discounts.

  4. Maintain your brand voice. What makes your brand unique? Whatever it is that attracts your customers to you, make it evident in your marketing emails. Creating marketing messages can often become "salesy," so be aware of the images and verbiage you use. Your consumers should be able to identify your brand through the email message even if they didn’t see your logo.

  5. Design landing pages that mirror your emails. Conversion rates will increase when your consumers are sure they’ve landed on the right page. Use the same imagery and promotional details inside your email and the website.

What if I make an email marketing mistake?

If you notice your opt-out numbers on the rise or your open rates are flatlining, don’t panic. The lack of engagement isn’t a reflection of your product. You just need to adjust your marketing message. Invest some time in understanding what your consumers like in email messages. Conduct an A/B test with different subject lines and calls to action. Use the data from that test to guide you in a new direction with your marketing strategy.

It’s also a major benefit and time saver to rely on a company that understands email marketing and can position your brand to experience major growth from engaging content. Check out the Admail responsive email builder and contact our team to see how we can serve your digital marketing needs.